Were you involved in a Motorcyle accident in Hawaii?
Driving through Hawaii on a motorcycle is understandably appealing. With the wonderful climate, people can ride motorcycles around the islands year round. This makes the activity popular in the state. People want to ride along the edges of the island and enjoy the ocean or drive through the more forested areas and enjoy the splendor of the state.
Sadly, because many people ride motorcycles in the state, Hawaii has a large number of accidents involving motorcycles that lead to serious injury or fatalities. Many tourists to the islands rented motorcycles while here, and this pattern contributes to these accidents. We also realize that it is not fair to assume that the motorcyclists is at fault in an accident. There tends to biases against motorcyle drivers. Our attorneys know that there are many cases where the other driver was at fault for the accident.
If you were riding a motorcycle and were injured in an accident, or attorneys can help. They have experience in handling motorcycle accident cases in Hawaii. They are equipped to address these cases throughout the state including the city areas. With personal injury cases, it is important to find a lawyer who knows that specific kind of case. Laws for personal injury cases vary depending on the type of accident .Our attorneys know Hawaii laws thoroughly.
These accidents happen because of many reasons. Some of the contributing factors to motorcycle accidents include:
- Speeding
- Heavy traffic in cities
- Road conditions
- Alcohol use
- Distracted driving
- The most common reason accidents involving motorcycles and other vehicles occur is because the other motorists do not see the motorcycle. Motorcycles are smaller and can be harder to see. So, if a driver is not paying attention, checking their blind spots, etc, it can be easy to miss a motorcycle.
Hawaii has a big problem with the number of motorcycle accidents that result in severe or fatal injuries. In the past ten years, over 1,200 people have died from these types of accidents. If you have been injured, or a family member has died, from a motorcycle accident where the other driver was at fault, we can help you receive your rightful compensation.
We fight for our clients. We realize you are stress and possibly in a great deal of pain. It is essential you have someone on your side who can handle the legal case from beginning to end.
What should you do after being involved in a motorcycle accident?
The actions taken directly after can be very important.
Here are some guidelines to help:
- Call 911 first.
- Check your passenger for any injuries.
- Take photos fo the scenes.
- Share insurance info with the other driver.
- Do not make any statements or sign anything.
- Take information from witnesses including their phone numbers
- Call an expert personal injury attorney.
Call for a free consultation.
Our expert attorneys can be reached by phone 24/7. They will offer you a free consultation and help you take the necessary next steps.